The U.S. Navy, eager to expand its own Arctic capabilities, has already taken the technology for a successful 30-day spin through the Arctic in a conventional, non-reinforced vessel. 急于扩充自身北极航行能力的美国海军已经运用这项技术引导一艘未加固船体的传统舰艇在北极成功航行了30天。
There is quite a difference between this kind of vertical vessel and conventional vertical vessel with respect of structure and mechanical model. 它在结构上、力学模型上与常规立式容器力学模型有很大区别。
It can be used instead of conventional water column and pressure stabilizing vessel standard flow units, and can be connected with computer network, realizing automatic control and inspection with high economic and social benefit. 它可以替代传统的水塔式和稳压容器式流量标准装置,并能与计算机联网,实现自动控制与检定,具有较好的经济效益和社会效益。
The edge stress at the joint of the elliptic heads and the cylinder is not calculated in the conventional design of medium and low pressure vessels. However, this edge stress greatly influences the manufacture and use of pressure vessel. 在中、低压力容器常规设计中,对椭圆封头与筒体连接处的边缘应力不做计算,但连接处的边缘应力对压力容器的制造和使用影响较大。
Conclusions Rotational DSA is an important supplement to the conventional DSA, providing great value in diagnosing and treating of blood vessel in head and neck. 结论旋转DSA技术是对常规DSA的重要补充,对头颈部血管病变的诊断和治疗有很大价值。
Conclusion DCE MRA is a new technique of MRA, being able to overcome some pitfalls of conventional MRA, especially for thoracic abdominal vessels with significant difference in satisfactory vessel visualization. 结论DCEMRA为新的磁共振血管成像技术,克服了常规MRA的许多缺点,尤其对胸腹部血管,两种方法血管显示满意率有极显著性差异。
Comparative study on graft patency between off-pump and conventional coronary artery bypass grafting in the treatment of triple vessel coronary disease 常规与非体外循环下冠状动脉3支病变旁路移植血管通畅性对比分析
Interventional therapy can replace the conventional surgical operation in proper patient with blood vessel trauma. 适当病例行介入治疗可替代传统手术治疗。
Countering the problems existing in dissolved oxygen control by using conventional PID control of the vessel pressure and inlet air, the control strategy of the Fuzzy-PID cascade control, i. e. introducing the fuzzy control into the primary loop is stated. 针对采用常规PID调节罐压和通气量控制溶解氧存在的问题,提出了在主回路中引入模糊控制概念的Fuzzy-PID串级控制方案。
The conventional bare metal stents and drug eluting stents cannot degrade and will stay in the human vessel for the whole life, which will induce endothelial proliferation and late thrombus. 传统的裸金属支架和药物洗脱支架不可降解,长期存在于人体中,容易导致血管壁内皮增生和远期血栓的形成。
Differences of left ventricle wall movement and left ventricle function were observed between IPC and conventional PCI group. Followed up for 12 months, observed cardiogenic death, target vessel revascularization again, heart disfunction. 术后随访12个月,观察所有患者心源性死亡、靶血管再次血运重建、心功能不全、心绞痛等的发生情况,将IPC组与常规PCI组患者的心功能及预后情况进行比较。